EdTech Reaches New Heights in Northwest Cambodia

At SeeBeyondBorders, we are committed to innovation in education, refining and pioneering teaching strategies and resources that lead to better learning outcomes for all students. Of these innovations, SBB’s Educational Technology (EdTech) project, supported by ElectricAid, has been pivotal in supporting our mission to enable quality teaching and learning in Cambodian schools.

Educational Technology has offered a solution to several challenges facing Cambodian education, such as low student attendance and limited learning resources for students. For example, according to the 2018 PISA-D Report, nearly half of students in Cambodia share textbooks due to limited availability. Harnessing technology as an asset to teachers and students alike is critical in combating these challenges and meaningfully transforming education in Cambodia.

A Platform to Build From

First launched in the Ek Phnom district of Battambang Province, Cambodia in 2022, EdTech has proved to be a valuable tool for educators. SBB provided in-depth training and workshops on implementing use of EdTech, and over 400 digital lesson plans, mentoring resources and classroom resources through the Moodle teaching platform.

To date, these resources have been accessed by a total of 91 educators over 90,000 times, providing daily impact to teachers’ classrooms and proven results for students. In participating EdTech schools, the number of children reaching minimum proficiency levels in the past year increased by 25% in maths and 12% in literacy. 

Students engage in a literacy lesson through Educational Technology

The technology helps capture students’ attention and encourages participation, motivating them to attend classes and engage in learning. The opportunity to learn to use educational technology has allowed students to apply their knowledge in ways they couldn’t before,” – EdTech implementing teacher.

The clear correlation between the introduction of education technology into the classroom and improved learning outcomes laid the groundwork for the expansion of the EdTech project into new geographies – the districts of Kralanh and Srei Snam in Siem Reap Province.

Growing Impact in New Regions

In August 2024, the EdTech project launched in Siem Reap Province. SBB held workshops for teachers which focused on SBB’s strategy of sustainability and self-driven improvement in two ways: empowering teachers with enduring technological skills and creating systems of mentorship and cooperative development. 

In early December, SBB worked with 30 Mentors and Master Mentors from both Kralanh and Srei Snam districts to introduce digital maths resources, as well as the Maths Mentoring Process available on the Moodle platform. Through these processes, teachers and mentors can work together to create positive change in their classrooms.

“EdTech is important, and I believe teachers should focus on developing their skills and incorporating these tools into their teaching. Doing so will enhance both the efficiency and effectiveness of the learning experience,” – EdTech Mentor in Siem Reap Province.

EdTech Teaching Development Officers introduce digital Maths Mentoring Process to Mentors and Master Mentors in Siem Reap Province

As of January 2025, EdTech is being successfully implemented in 20 schools across the two target districts in Siem Reap, reaching 120 educators and over 5,600 students. EdTech has already proved invaluable to educators, with 18 teachers, 34 Mentors and 13 Master Mentors accessing digital resources over 2,000 times.

“Initially, I thought using EdTech would be difficult, However, after using it for a few months, I’ve noticed some progress. They are now more engaged in class and participate more actively. They respond to questions well and provide comments & feedback,” – Grade 1 Teacher participating in EdTech Project.

A Tool to Transform Education

Early feedback is positive and shows all the signs that the EdTech Project supported by ElectricAid is already making an impact in classrooms in Siem Reap Province, as it has done in Battambang. Through creating a streamlined educational system for teachers along with a more engaging learning experience for children, EdTech drives the type of change that we want to see. At SBB we believe that change begins with education, and EdTech is a crucial tool in helping to deliver that education transformation in Cambodia.