
Advocating for Cambodia

We advocate for Cambodia as a key development partner for Ireland, highlighting both the deep systemic problems in Cambodian education and the potential uplift to initiate transformational change.

Advocating for Impact

Through our work, the Irish education and development sectors have a heightened awareness and are actively supportive of Cambodia. We have strong relations with Comhlámh and are the only Dóchas member focused exclusively on Asia.

We have raised the profile of Cambodia through active engagement with other Irish development organisations including The Irish Charities Institute, The Wheel and The Carmichael Institute.

We have developed a pilot Cambodian Solidarity Schools Network (CSSN) to teach students and teachers in 10 schools across the island of Ireland about the Sustainable Development Goals through a Cambodian lens. This is a collaborative project involving SeeBeyondBorders and another Cambodian based NGO, PEPY Empowering Youth. Irish and Cambodian educators work together to prepare and deliver lessons which are provided online to participating schools.

In collaboration with our friends at the Cambodia Ireland Changemaker Network we participated in a Window to Cambodia: Aspirations, Challenges and the Pivotal Role of Education webinar.

Advocating in the Media

We have begun to garner a media profile advocating for Cambodia. Since our inception we have had appearances on Newstalk, the Mick Clifford Irish Examiner Podcast, the Echo Chamber and InTouch Magazine.

Looking Ahead

A particular target over the next five years will be to further influence policy development, and thereby the mission strategy of Irish Aid in the region. We believe we are in a strong position to leverage the collective voices above to influence Irish Aid and achieve our goals.

Can you help us in our efforts to advocate for Cambodian education? Contact us today