
SeeBeyondBorders uses evidence-based programmes to deliver quality teaching and learning to Cambodia children. In Ireland our charity has developed strong links with various educational bodies including schools, universities and teaching organisations


In Autumn 2022 SeeBeyondBorders was successful in a grant application to the Irish Research Council for COALESCE funding to conduct research on teacher professional identity. The title of our project was: “What makes a good teacher? The challenge of enhancing teacher professional identity and capability in Cambodian schools”.

Currently underway, led by PI Dr. Leo Casey, National College of Ireland, this is a collaborative project involving The National College of Ireland, SeeBeyondBorders, The Cambodian Ministry of Education and the Phnom Penh Teacher Education College. This research project provides us with a unique opportunity to learn how teachers feel about their profession, giving us real data on what we can do to further empower teachers and promote investment in their professional  development so that learning outcomes for children improve.


For more information about PIKT, please click here.

Additional Resources

An Assessment of Eary Grade Teaching Quality in Cambodia
Asia and Pacific
Cambodia COVID-19 Joint Education Needs Assessment
Cambodia Education 2015