Building an Irish footprint in support of inclusive education for Cambodian children

In Ireland we know the value of education. Today in Cambodia there is a learning crisis. The Khmer Rouge Regime killed over 90% of teachers and the education system was destroyed. Findings from the 2018 MoEYS OECD Report reveal less than 3% of 15-year-old children reach baseline levels of performance in Maths, literacy or science. This learning crisis means the future for many Cambodian children is bleak.

90% teachers killed
3% children reach minimum standards
79 per-of teachers have no graduate qualifications

What do we do?

At SeeBeyondBorders Ireland, your support allows us to give Cambodian primary school children access to a quality education. Working in partnership with the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport to create systemic change within the public school system, our colleagues bring the UNESCO award-winning Quality Teaching Programme to classrooms in rural Cambodia. This programme unlocks the skills within each teacher, adopts a school-based mentoring approach and leads to more effective teaching and an improvement in children’s learning outcomes. Research is continuously undertaken to ensure the effectiveness of our programmes.

Our focus remains on quality over quantity. Partnerships with communities, school principals, officials from school districts and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, builds trust and commitment in all stakeholders who are fully engaged in achieving positive learning outcomes. Through this process of collaborative engagement within the public school system we can continue to show the Government the benefits of investing in quality learning for children and professional development for teachers alike with an ambition of full adoption into the school system at a future point in time.

With your support, we can bring about Cambodian-led systemic and sustainable educational change and give Cambodian children the quality education they need and the future that they deserve.

Our work focuses on three Sustainable Development Goals:

Our Impact

Since its foundation in Cambodia in 2009, working in Cambodian-led collaboration, SeeBeyondBorders has supported access to quality education to over:

Grade 1 to 3 Students (ages 6 - 11)
Primary Teachers and Principals
Primary schools

The impact of Covid 19 on the footprint of our programmes was considerable and led to a reduction in both staff and the number of schools we worked in. In the last three years we have worked in 11 schools in the Battambang province of north east Cambodia, however in January 2024 we are expanding into two new districts – Srey Snam and Krolanh, an addition of 18 new schools.

Impact: We know what we do works

What your kindness supports

  • Your donations allow Cambodian children to access a quality education.
  • Your thoughtfulness facilitates the mentoring and professional growth of Cambodian teachers.
  • Your shared values mean that parents and grandparents can now look forward to their most precious young people staying at school.

Together, school by school, the potential of Cambodian children is growing because of you.

About Cambodia


  • Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia.
  • The distance from Ireland to Cambodia is 10,349kms
  • Cambodia shares borders with Thailand, Laos and Vietnam
  • The population of Cambodia is 16.77 million with one of the youngest populations globally
  • 95% of the population are Theravada Buddhists.
  • The national language is Khmer.