What do schools get?

What do schools get?


Bespoke Presentation to whole staff groups

On invitation, we visit schools and provide a staff presentation which includes an introduction to the Cambodian context, a description of our work, promotion of the importance of Development Education for Irish students and a call to action for the schools.


Presentation to large groups of children

We are also happy to visit selected schools and meet the children – this may happen at assembly or in certain classes at the discretion of the individual school. This presentation will have the same content as the presentation for the staff, but adapted to make it accessible to the children and to ensure it is age appropriate.


Solidarity Schools

We are in the process of rolling out a set of GCE lesson plans for primary schools for 2022/2023. These lesson plans will be available on our website at the start of the academic year and we hope that participating schools will teach a lesson each month.  For this first year the lesson plans will be geared towards middle and senior classes but may be adapted to younger classes too. The amount of engagement will be at the discretion of the individual schools taking part.


Cambodian visits to schools

Thanks to INTO funding we host visits from both PEPY Empowering Youth and SeeBeyondBorders each year.  We aim to visit as many of the Solidarity Schools as possible during these visits.